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grave goods 陪葬的貴重物品。

“ grave goods “ comprising pottery and stone artefacts were found 墓中均有隨葬品,包括有陶器及石器。

grave robber

Nine bronze age burials were discovered . the grave goods can be grouped under three major categories : pottery , stone and bronze . there were altogether forty - nine grave goods including coarse or geometric pottery pots , glazed pottery stemcups ; various stone implements such as adzes , spearheads , rings , slotted rings and casting moulds ; bronze artifacts like dagger and knife etc . 赤角島上的青銅器時代遺存,主要在過路灣沙灘后的緩坡上出土,共發現九座青銅器時代墓葬,隨葬器物分陶器、石器、和青銅器三大類,共四十九件;包括夾砂陶罐、幾何印紋陶罐、釉陶豆、石錛、石矛、石環、石? 、石鑄范和青銅劍、銅蔑刀等。

“ grave goods “ comprising pottery and stone artefacts were found 墓中均有隨葬品,包括有陶器及石器。